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Fig. 4 | Virology Journal

Fig. 4

From: Vpr driving DNA methylation variation of CD4 + T cells in HIV-1 infection

Fig. 4

Vpr induces DNA methylation changes in lymphocyte differentiation-related genes. (A) Signature genes of the main GO enrichment pathways of Vpr-induced DMCs. (B) The IGV genome browser was used to track whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) data at the CD19 or MS4A1 genes in HIV-1-∆Vpr and HIV-1-Vpr infections. (C) The IGV genome browser was utilized to observe WGBS tracks at the CD4 or CD8A genes in HIV-1-∆Vpr and HIV-1-Vpr infections. (D) WGBS data at the TGFB1 or CD40 genes in HIV-1-∆Vpr and HIV-1-Vpr infections were visualized using the IGV genome browser tracks. (E) The IGV genome browser was employed to examine WGBS tracks at the ZNF683 or JAK3 genes in HIV-1-∆Vpr and HIV-1-Vpr infections. (F) WGBS data at the CTCF or BATF genes in HIV-1-∆Vpr and HIV-1-Vpr infections were analyzed using the IGV genome browser tracks. (G) The IGV genome browser was used to track WGBS data at the RUNX1 or PAX5 genes in HIV-1-∆Vpr and HIV-1-Vpr infections. Black arrows indicate DMCs.

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