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Fig. 6 | Virology Journal

Fig. 6

From: Unraveling the genetic variations underlying virulence disparities among SARS-CoV-2 strains across global regions: insights from Pakistan

Fig. 6

RMSD, RMSF, and Rg plots of wild type and mutant Mac1 (M265I, G307C, L357I)-ADPr complexes obtained through 100 ns MD simulation trajectories. Panels (a-c) display the RMSD of the wild-type Mac1-ADPr complex in comparison with each mutant Mac1-ADPr complex. Panels (d-f) illustrate the RMSF of the wild-type Mac1-ADPr complex and each mutant Mac1-ADPr complex. Panels (g-i) showcase the radius of gyration of the wild-type Mac1 and each mutant Mac1-ADPr complex. Each complex is color-coded: wild-type Mac1-ADPr complex in black, mutant Mac1 (G307C)-ADPr complex in red, mutant Mac1 (L357I)-ADPr complex in blue, and mutant Mac1 (M265I)-ADPr complex in green. RMSD: Root Mean Square Deviation, RMSF: Root Mean Square Fluctuation, Rg: Radius of gyration

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