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Fig. 4 | Virology Journal

Fig. 4

From: Mechanisms and consequences of mRNA destabilization during viral infections

Fig. 4

SARS-CoV-2 Nsp1 Host Shutoff. A Schematic of the SARS2 genome and location of Nsp1 gene. B Conservation of Nsp1 amino acid sequence across different βCoVs. Yellow highlight indicates differences compared to SARS2; green highlight is the CTD. C Nsp1 CTD binds the 40S ribosome. Illustrations depict potential Nsp1-40S-mRNA configurations that lead to translation repression and mRNA decay. D SARS2 mRNA encodes a stemloop in its 5ʹ UTR that binds to specific resides on the NTD of Nsp1 and allow the viral mRNA to be translated and escape decay

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