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Table 5 Hepatitis B virological comparison among different degrees of hepatic steatosis (S1, S2, S3)

From: Correlation analysis of hepatic steatosis and hepatitis B virus: a cross-sectional study


S1 (n = 51)

S2 (n = 41)

S3 (n = 52)

P value

pgRNA (log10 copies/mL)

3.51 (3.19–5.15)

2.93 (2.24–3.42)

2.72 (2.05–3.04)

 < 0.001*

HBV DNA (log10 IU/mL)

4.04 (3.39–5.09)

3.53 (3.31–4.33)

2.73 (1.71–3.53)

 < 0.001*

HBsAg (log10 IU/mL)

3.47 (3.13–3.95)

3.09 (2.14–3.39)

2.52 (1.00–3.29)

 < 0.001*

Positive rate of HBeAg, n (%)

21 (41.2)

8 (19.5)

3 (5.8)

 < 0.001*

  1. Data are expressed as median (IQR) or number (%)
  2. *Statistically significant at P < 0.05