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Fig. 3 | Virology Journal

Fig. 3

From: Genome analysis of SARS-CoV-2 isolates from a population reveals the rapid selective sweep of a haplotype carrying many pre-existing and new mutations

Fig. 3

Major amino acid variants observed in the 92 sequenced SARS-CoV-2 genomes of Assam, India. The amino acid changes are represented, for example, by “Pro309Leu- ORF1ab”, which means ‘Pro’ changed to ‘Leu’ at position 309 of the ORF1ab polypeptide. In the second column, the high frequency variants are highlighted in yellow and the novel variants are indicated by *. The dark red and blue colours represent the presence and the absence of a particular variant in a particular genome denoted by ICL with a number in the top row, and each column represents a single sequence. aNFD: “Not found in database”. bGK refer to the sub-clade within the G clade of SARS-CoV2 in the GISAID database. The GK clade, according to the WHO nomenclature, refers to the δ variant. ‘fs’ and ‘del’ refer to frame-shift and deletion, respectively

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