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Table 2 Subgroup analyses of antiviral treatment for ATLL.

From: Zidovudine and Interferon Alfa based regimens for the treatment of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL): a systematic review and meta-analysis


Response Rate, Proportion [95% CI]






AZT-IFN alone

0.47 [0.25; 0.69]

0.41 [0.20; 0.66]

0.25 [0.18; 0.33]

AZT-IFN used in front-line regimens

0.68 [0.52; 0.80]

0.34 [0.25; 0.44]

0.36 [0.30; 0.43]

AZT-IFN used for treating aggressive ATLL (acute, lymphomatous)

0.58 [0.45; 0.70]

0.25 [0.20; 0.31]

0.32 [0.26; 0.39]

AZT-IFN used for treating indolent ATLL (chronic, smoldering)

0.86 [0.71; 0.94]

0.53 [0.28; 0.76]

0.37 [0.22; 0.54]

  1. OR: Overall response, CR: Complete response, PR: Partial response