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Fig. 5 | Virology Journal

Fig. 5

From: Transcriptional differences between coronavirus disease 2019 and bacterial sepsis

Fig. 5

Dot plot of enriched terms for differentially expressed transcripts between the disease and control groups. The top five most enriched GO terms are shown. The size of the dots represents the gene ratio, and the color of the dots represents the adjusted P-value. “Both_up” and “Both_down” means the transcript groups that are up- or downregulated, respectively, in both COVID-19 and sepsis groups compared with that in the healthy control group. “COVID_up” and “COVID_down” represent the transcript groups that are up- or downregulated, respectively, specifically in the COVID-19 group. “sepsis_up” and “sepsis_down” represent the transcripts that are up- or downregulated, respectively, specifically in the sepsis group. Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; GO, Gene Ontology

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