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Table 3 Frequency distribution of HBV markers for occult hepatitis HBV among HIV-co-infected and blood donors study groups

From: Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis B virus among HIV co-infected and mono-infected cohorts in Northwest Ethiopia

HBV markers tested

Study groups, n (%)

HIV positive (n = 1990)

Blood donors (n = 1575)

Total (n = 3565)

HBsAg negative enrolled for the test

300/1990 (15.1)

176/1575 (11.2)

476/3565 (13.4)

anti-HBc antibody positive

171/300 (57.0)

89/176) (50.6)

260/476 (54.6)

HBV DNA positive

11/77 (14.3)

5/33 (15.2)

16/110 (14.5)

Total (genotyped)

3/11 (27.3)

0/5 (0.0)

3/16 (18.8)