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Table 2 Reactions of transgenic plants following mechanical inoculation with PVYN and PVYO strains

From: RNA silencing-related genes contribute to tolerance of infection with potato virus X and Y in a susceptible tomato plant

Host plants

Symptoms on leavesa

5 dpi

10 dpi

15 dpi

20 dpi





–/mM, Mol

–/mM, Mol






 Healthy control







–/mM, Mol

–/mM, Mol

–/mM, Mol

–/mM, Mol






 Healthy control





  1. aInoculated leaves/upper leaves; Lc, leaf curling; M, mosaic; Mol, mottling; mM, mild mosaic; NS, necrotic spot; Mal, malformation; Y, yellowing; –, symptomless or latent infection