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Table 1 Complete blood count with differential, and biochemical profile of the patient upon his first admission

From: Antiretroviral activity of 5-azacytidine during treatment of a HTLV-1 positive myelodysplastic syndrome with autoimmune manifestations

Ht: 31.2%

Hb: 10.4 g/dL

MCV: 94.2 fl

RET: 0.84%

PLT: 130 × 109/L.

WBC: 2.6 × 109/L

Differential: neutrophils 37%, lymphocytes: 53%, monocytes: 4%, eosinophils: 1%, basophils: 5%, with several neutrophils showing granulation disorders and small cytoplasmic vacuoles

BUN: 33 mg/dL

Cr: 1.4 mg/dL

ALP: 399 U/L

γGT: 127 U/L

AST: 27 U/L

ALT: 66 U/L

ESR: 135 mm/1st hour

CRP: 60 mg/L
