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Figure 2 | Virology Journal

Figure 2

From: Characterization of low pathogenicity avian influenza viruses isolated from wild birds in Mongolia 2005 through 2007

Figure 2

Phylogenetic trees of HA and NA genes. Trees include all the HA and NA genes from avian influenza virus isolates collected from wild birds in Mongolia 2005-2007 with selected reference isolates. Trees are shown for all 8 segments of each isolate as follows: A) H3, B) H12, C) H13, D) H16, E) N3 and F). N6. Trees were constructed with merged duplicate runs of BEAST v. 1.4.8 using HKY substitution, empirical base frequency, Gamma heterogeneity, codon 2 partitions, relaxed lognormal clock, Yule Process tree prior with default operators with UPGMA starting tree and MCMC length of 107. Posterior values are shown at the nodes. Isolates collected during this study are shown in red font.

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