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Archived Comments for: Nested-multiplex PCR detection of Orthopoxvirus and Parapoxvirus directly from exanthematic clinical samples

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  1. Clarification of Table 2

    Ann Arcand, Coe College

    26 April 2010

    In Table 2, for the data analyzed from Espirito Santos, 2008 the number of specimens reported is 4, but the positive samples number reported is 5. Is this a typo, or does it imply more than one sample was taken from one of the 4 specimens- and if so, for what purpose?
    Note if this was a typo, and the cumulative positive sample number should be 60 and not 61, then the Positivity should also be changed to (93.75%)

    Competing interests

    I have no competing interests. I am an undergraduate student.

  2. Clarification of Table 2

    Jônatas Abrahão, UFMG

    3 May 2010

    It was a typo. Were analyzed 5 samples from Espiríto Santo State.
    Thanks for your contribution.

    Competing interests

    I have no competing interests. I am an author of this paper.
