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Table 1 Kinetic parameters of the in vitro BaMV RNA replication for the short transcript templates

From: Maintaining the structural integrity of the bamboo mosaic virus3′ untranslated region is necessary for retaining the catalytic constant for minus-strand RNA synthesis






bKM (nM)





cVmax (min-1) (rel Vmax)

63 (1.00)

21 (0.33)

25 (0.40)

17 (0.25)

dVmax/KM (mM-1s-1) (rel Vmax/KM)

3.477 (1.00)

1.182 (0.34)

0.782 (0.22)

1.356 (0.34)

  1. aThe short transcripts used in the in vitro BaMV RNA replication are indicated in Figure 1.
  2. bApparent KM is defined as the concentration of RNA molecules that permits half-maximal rate of reaction. It stands for how effectively the enzyme would bind the substrate.
  3. cVmax is the maxim initial velocity that an enzyme can achieve. It stands for the rate at which a substrate will be converted to product once bound to the enzyme. The relative activity is shown in the bracket.
  4. dVmax/KM stands for the overall specificity of the enzyme reaction.
  5. eThe parameters were calculated by creating a Lineweaver-Burk plot derived from the Michaelis-Menten equation (Figure 5).