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Table 4 Origin ASFV, IgG antibody level and PCR status of the samples analyzed

From: Resistance to African swine fever virus among African domestic pigs appears to be associated with a distinct polymorphic signature in the RelA gene and upregulation of RelA transcription

Sample ID

Clinical signs



Fizi (32)

Redness on skin, fever, difficulty moving



Fizi (33)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Kalehe (49)

Redness on skin, fever, difficulty moving



Uvira (50)

Redness on skin, fever, difficulty moving, lack of appetite



Uvira (53)

Redness on skin, fever, difficulty moving



Mwenga (57)

Redness on skin, fever, difficulty moving



Uvira (63)

Redness on skin, fever, difficulty moving



Uvira (81)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Fizi (122)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Kabare (134)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed




Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Kalehe (226)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Kabare (230)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed




Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Kalehe (239)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Walungu (240)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Walungu (244)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Kabare (250)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Kalehe (251)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Walungu (255)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Walungu (264)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Walungu (265)

Redness on skin, fever, difficulty moving



Kalehe (271)

Redness on skin, fever, difficulty moving



Kabare (273)

Redness on skin, fever, difficulty moving



Kabare (275)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Kabare (276)

Redness on skin, fever, difficulty moving



Kabare (277)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Walungu (280)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Walungu (281)

Redness on skin, fever, difficulty moving



Uvira (286)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Uvira (287)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Uvira (288)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Uvira (296)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Fizi (311)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Walungu (318)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Walungu (326)

Redness on skin, fever, difficulty moving



Walungu (329)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Mwenga (331)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Mwenga (336)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



Kabare (384)

Apparently healthy, no sign observed



  1. (+): Positive; (-): Negative; low level: (< 1pg/ml); high level: (> 1pg/ml); surviving pigs are in cursive