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Fig. 5 | Virology Journal

Fig. 5

From: A macrophage-cell model of HIV latency reveals the unusual importance of the bromodomain axis

Fig. 5

Inhibition of BCL-2 and CDK selectively kills macrophages with reactivated HIV. The combination of venotoclax and flavopiridol decreases the number of cells with reactivated HIV. (A) Latently infected dTHP-1 cells were treated with JQ1 for 48 h followed by treatment with or without BCL-2 antagonist venetoclax (50 nM) and CDK inhibitor flavopiridol (80 nM). (B) Differentiated THP-1 cell lines harboring reactivated HIV were treated with flavopiridol and venetoclax and then subjected to Annexin V-APC/PI staining and flow cytometry analyses. (C) Trypan blue exclusion cell viability assay. dTHP-1 cells were treated with Venetoclax and Flavopiridol after reactivation with JQ1. (D) Latently infected MDMs were treated with I-BET151 for 48 h followed by treatment with or without BCL-2 antagonist venetoclax (50 nM) and CDK inhibitor flavopiridol (80 nM), and csGFP + cells measure as before. (E) MDMs harboring reactivated HIV were treated with Flavopiridol and Venetoclax and then subjected to Annexin V-APC/PI staining and flow cytometry analyses. Data are means, and error bars indicate SEM (n = 3). *, p < 0.05, **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001, Student’s t-test Data are means, and error bars indicate SEM (n = 3). ns, not significant, *, p < 0.01, **, p < 0.001; Student’s t test

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