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Fig. 6 | Virology Journal

Fig. 6

From: Development of monoclonal antibodies against oropouche virus and its applicability to immunohistochemical diagnosis

Fig. 6

Reactivity of anti-OROV mAbs against different viruses. Huh-7.5 cell line (2 × 104 cells per well) was infected with DENV1 (MOI of 2; A), DENV2 (MOI of 2; B), DENV4 (MOI of 2; C), ZIKV (MOI of 2; D), MAYV (MOI of 0.5; E), and OROV (MOI of 0.01; F). After 48 h, the IFA assay was performed using anti-OROV 63B3E7 (blue) and 268B8A3 (red) mAbs, anti-E protein of CHIKV, that cross recognize MAYV (1G1; green), and anti-envelope of flavivirus mAb 4G2 (4G2; purple), all diluted 1:100, followed by anti-mouse IgG and IgM conjugated to Alexa Fluor 488. In the graphics, normalized percentage cell stain data analyzed for each virus-infected Huh-7.5 cell line after 48 h. The EIA assay against the nucleocapsid protein of hantavirus (HANTEC) for detection of IgG (blue) and IgM (red) antibodies (G). In the graphic, the reactivity of anti-OROV mAbs (63B3E7 and 268B8A3) and controls anti-E protein of CHIKV (1G1) and anti-flavivirus family (4G2) were tested for both IgG (blue) and IgM (red). Negative and secondary antibodies (anti-IgG or IgM conjugated to HRP) were used as a control. As a positive control, an anti-nucleocapsid hantavirus mAb was used. The graphics represent one biological replica in triplicate

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