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Table 1 Pattern and frequency of SARS-CoV-2 infection in natural, natural/ breakthrough, and breakthrough infected healthcare workers, Shiraz, Iran. Minus and plus signs indicate infection pre- and post-receiving of the full dose of vaccination, respectively (N = 5612)

From: The rates and symptoms of natural and breakthrough infection pre- and post- Covid-19 non-mRNA vaccination at various peaks amongst Iranian healthcare workers

Number of SARS-CoV-2 positive test

Natural infected HCWs

- [N = 2195(%)]

Natural/ Breakthrough infected HCWs

-/+ [N = 632(%)]

Breakthrough infected HCWs

+ [N = 2785(%)]


-1 [N = 2056(93.7%)]


+ 1 [N = 2498(89.7%)]


-2 [N = 129(5.9%)]

-1/+1[ N = 552 (87.3%)]

+ 2 [N = 279 (10%)]


-3[ N = 10(0.4%)]

-2/+1 [N = 38 (6%)]

-1/+2 [N = 31 (4.9%)]

+ 3 [N = 7(0.27%)]



-2/+2[ N = 4 (0.6%)]

-3/+1[ N = 6(1%)]

+ 4 [N = 1(0.03%)]



-2/+3 [N = 1(0.2%)]


  1. Abbreviation: HCW = healthcare worker
  2. Data are presented as case number (percentages)
  3. HCWs who were naturally infected were denoted with a negative sign, and the number next to it indicated the number of infections; similarly, those who had a natural/breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection were denoted with a -/+ sign, and the number next to it indicated the number of infections SARS-CoV-2 before/after vaccination; and finally, those who had the breakthrough form are denoted with a positive sign, which denotes the number of times the person contracted the infection after receiving the vaccine