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Table 1 Main gross and histological findings observed in EMCV outbreak

From: Encephalomyocarditis virus infection in Macaca sylvanus and Hystrix cristata from an Italian rescue centre for wild and exotic animals


N° of animals

Gross pathology(a)

Histological findings(a)

Macaca sylvanus


Sero-haemorrhagic pleural and pericardial fluid (4), pulmonary oedema and congestion (4), liver congestion (4), kidney congestion (3), meningeal congestion (3)

Severe lymphocytic and neutrophilic interstitial myocarditis, with areas of necrosis (4/4), congested organs (4/4)

Hystrix cristata


Sero-haemorrhagic pleural and pericardial fluid (11), sero-haemorrhagic peritoneal fluid (6), pulmonary oedema and congestion (10), cardiomegaly and grey-white necrotic foci in the myocardium (5), meningeal congestion (2)

(b)Severe lymphocytic and neutrophilic interstitial myocarditis, with areas of necrosis (9), multifocal lymphocytic meningoencephalitis (6), pulmonary congestion (9)

  1. (a)In parentheses the number of animals showing the described lesion. (b)Histological examination was performed on n.9 Hystrix cristata