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Fig. 2 | Virology Journal

Fig. 2

From: Application of a VP4/VP2-inferred transmission clusters in estimating the impact of interventions on rhinovirus transmission

Fig. 2

Transmission clusters of RV among patients presented with symptoms of acute respiratory tract infection in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia between 2012 and 2014. With an estimated genetic threshold of 0.005 substitutions/site, RV transmission clusters were inferred from 976 newly sequenced VP4/VP2 sequences based on Tamura-Nei 93 (TN93) pairwise distance performed using a custom script in Python (release 3.2.6), with bootstrap analysis of 1000 replicates. A total of 168 RV transmission clusters of varying size (2–13 nodes per cluster), involving 57 different RV types were identified. In general, more transmission clusters were observed in RV-A, followed by RV-C and -B. In the present study, transmission cluster is characterized by the presence of at least two individuals (represent by nodes), whose viral sequences are genetically linked (represent by undirected edges) at 0.005 substitutions/site supported by bootstrap value of ≥ 90%. Transmission clusters were described as dyads if they contain two nodes, and networks if more than 2 nodes were observed. Nodes are colour-coded in accordance with RV species

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