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Fig. 5 | Virology Journal

Fig. 5

From: Characterization, phylogeny and recombination analysis of Pedilanthus leaf curl virus-Petunia isolate and its associated betasatellite

Fig. 5

Infectivity analysis of PeLCV alone and with DiYVB partial dimeric constructs in Nicotiana benthamiana and petunia atkinsiana. Inoculation of PeLCV alone and in combination with DiYVB resulted in severe symptoms after 14 days. a Nicotiana benthamiana plants were inoculated with an empty pCambia2300 plasmid. b Nicotiana benthamiana plants inoculated with PeLCV alone. c Nicotiana benthamiana plants inoculated with PeLCV and its cognate DiYVB resulted in severe disease symptoms including downward leaf curling, leaf swelling and vein yellowing. Plants were photographed at 14 dpi. d Detection of PeLCV replication in N. benthamiana plants by Southern blot hybridization. DNA of five different plants infiltrated with PeLCV alone (lane 1–5), and PeLCV along with DiYVB (lane 6–10) were probed with REn (AC3) gene. e DNA of five different plants infiltrated with PeLCV along with DiYVB (lane 1–5) were probed with βC1 gene. M represents the mock inoculated plant DNA in both gel blots. Panel f represents the control petunia plant, inoculated with empty plasmid pCambia2300. The agroinfiltration of PeLCV alone resulted in mild symptoms on petunia plants (panel g), while, addition of DiYVB resulted in severe symptoms on petunia plants (panel h). The Southern blotting confirmed the replication of both DNA-A and betasatellite (panels i and j) in the agro-inoculated plants. The similar probes were used as described for panels d and e. The bottom panels represent the ethidium bromide (EtBr) stained DNA as a loading control

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