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Table 1 Efficiency of blocking intracellular viral replication by caprine anti E2 epitopes

From: Neutralizing activities of caprine antibodies towards conserved regions of the HCV envelope glycoprotein E2

Groups of HCV samples*

Number of samples (n = 20)

Viral load copies/ml (Mean ± S.D)

Successfully the cells


16/20 (80%)

517,646 - 1,952,184

Successfully with anti p430


5/16 (31.25%)

313,992 - 940,408

Successfully with anti p517


12/16 (75%)

510,059 - 1,694,683

Successfully with anti p412


14/16 (87.5%)

497,516 - 1,985,120

  1. * If the P-value is ≤ 0.05 the difference between the means is considered statistically significant.
  2. T-test was conducted on all groups and results revealed that the viral load had no effect on the viral infectivity (P = 0.3786) in the two main groups, samples that failed to infect the Huh7.5 cells (n = 4) and samples that successfully infected the Huh7.5 cells (n = 16). Also, the viral load had no effect on the blocking activity of both generated anti p517 (p = 0.211) and anti p412 (p = 0.9285) but with anti p412 the viral load significantly affected the blocking activity of the generated caprine antibody (p = 0.0161).