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Figure 4 | Virology Journal

Figure 4

From: Characterization of a VHS virus genotype III isolated from rainbow trout (Oncorhychus mykiss) at a marine site on the west coast of Norway

Figure 4

The phylogenetic relationship of the VHS virus isolate (FA28.11.07) from rainbow trout collected in Norway in 2007 based on the complete sequences of the G protein ORF. FJ384761 and AY546621 are VHS viruses from Norway. Phylogram resulting from maximum-likelihood analysis in TREE-PUZZLE (quartet-puzzling steps). The scale bars shows the number of substitutions as a proportion of branch lengths. AA = Anguilla anguilla, CH = Clupea harengus, CP = Clupea pallasii, MP = Micromesistius poutassou, EM = Esox masquinongy, GM = Gadus morhua, GMR = Gaidropsaurus mediterraneus, MA = Melanogrammus aeglefinus, MM = Merlangius merlangus, OK = Oncorhynchus kisutch, OM = O.mykiss, SM = Scophthalmus maximus, PO = Paralichthys olivaceus, SS = Sprattus sprattus, SSA = Salmo salar, ST = Salmo trutta.

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