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Figure 3 | Virology Journal

Figure 3

From: Characterization of subcellular localization of duck enteritis virus UL51 protein

Figure 3

Subcellular location and distribution of DEV pUL51 analyzed by TIEM. Thin sections were prepared as described in Materials and Methods and incubated with the UL51 antiserum (B to D) or pre-immune serum (A) after treatment with 20% normal goat serum to block nonspecific antibody reactions. Samples were then incubated with anti-rabbit IgG-conjugated 10-nm-diameter gold particles. After extensive rinsing, sections were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and examined with a Hitachi H600 transmission electron microscope at 75 kV. No specific immunolabeling was seen in the cells reacted with pre-immune serum (A). Immunolabelling for pUL51 (arrows) was found in the juxtanuclear region (B). Some immunolahelling for pUL51 (arrows) was found being associated with cytoplasmic virions and also with some membranous structure in the cytoplasmic vesicles (C and D). Abbreviations: Cyt, cytoplasm; Nu, nucleus. Bars represent 100 nm.

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