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Figure 5 | Virology Journal

Figure 5

From: Genome-wide diversity and selective pressure in the human rhinovirus

Figure 5

Comparison of selective pressure in HRVA and HRVB capsid genes. Overlay of diversifying selective pressure detected on the HRV capsid pentamer structure for HRVA (based on HRV2 capsid structure (Verdauger et al., 2000)) and HRVB (based on HRV14 capsid structure (Stanway et al., 1984)); HRVA and HRVB residues are shaded according to their corresponding dN/dS values as indicated below by the scale bar, with directly overlapping diversifying residues highlighted in yellow. Inset histogram, distribution of minimal distances between α-carbons of diversifying residues in HRV2 and HRV14; Y-axis is simple frequency count; p value provides frequency at which an average minimum distance similar to that for the observed distribution was detected when the locations of the diversifying residues were randomized on each pentamer surface, overlaid, and measured (n = 100,000 randomizations).

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