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Table 4 Recommended sampling sites, type of sample and preferred diagnostic methods for genital herpes, adapted from Domeika and colleagues[9]

From: Diagnosis of genital herpes simplex virus infection in the clinical laboratory

Sampling site or type of sample

Preferred diagnostic method

Vesicule on skin and mucous membranes Ulcer

NAAT; viral culture; antigen detection*

Urethra (male)

NAAT; antigen detection*

Cervix/urethra (female)

NAAT; antigen detection*

Urine (men and women)

NAAT; viral culture

Vulva/vagina (prepubertal girls)


Vagina (women after hysterectomy)

  1. *Viral antigen detection by direct immunofluorescence on smears or enzyme immunoassay on swabs may offer a rapid diagnostic alternative in settings where culture or molecular diagnosis are not available.
  2. NAAT: nucleic acid amplification test.